Format and Submission Guidelines
The Organising Committee reserves the right to return submitted papers for further correction (in case the listed requirements are not complied with), as well as to reject the papers, which do not meet the criteria or fit the scope of the conference. We would like to remind you that all the papers submitted must conform to the requirements listed in the downloadable template below.
Download template
Recommendations for authors
We accept papers in the Russian or English language, min 5 pages, the text must be at least 75% original.
Formatting Guidelines
• Document editor - Microsoft Word.
• Margins - 2 cm for all sides.
• Font - Times New Roman.
• Font size - 14.
• Line spacing - 1.
• Paragraph indent - 1.25.
• Orientation - portrait, no page number, no page footnotes, no hyphenation.
The text should contain:
1. The author’s name (in the right upper corner, the author’s initials and surname in bold).
2. The name of the organization (the name of the organization in italics, in the line below in brackets, right alignment – city, country).
3. The title of the article (in the center, letters are CAPITALIZED in bold (in Russian and English).
4. Annotation of the article (100-250 words, font 12 pt, single spacing, in Russian and English).
5. Keywords (at least 6 words, font 12 pt, single spacing, in Russian and English).
6. The text of the article.
7. References are formatted the following way: [Adorno, 2001, p. 35].
8. Pictures and figures should be grouped and formatted in black and white. The font size is 12 pt. Captions are in Times New Roman Cyr font, 12 pt and placed under the figure as follows: the word “Pic. / Fig.”, space, number in figures, dash, space, capitalized name (without a period at the end of the sentence), for example,
Pic. 1 – Types of subordinate clauses
Fig. 1 – Types of subordinate clauses
In tables, the font should NOT be less than 10 pt. The sizes of the cells and the table should be minimized as much as possible. Tables are presented in 12 pt as follows: the word “Table” in the right upper corner without indentation, a space, the table number (if there are more than one), the name with a capital letter on the next line (without a period at the end of the sentence), for example,
Table 1
Types of subordinate clauses
9. A numbered list of references in accordance with the Russian National Standard (GOST R 7.0.100–2018), formed in alphabetical order, at the end of the article under the heading References